"I think any professional photographer could have helped me master my camera, wean me off its automatic functions. But Gill is an artist who just happens to work in the photographic medium and I am grateful for her generosity in not only sorting me out technically, but also sharing her creative process, her aesthetic, particularly her enchantment with light. She's a great teacher: great fun to work with."
John Crix 2023
John Crix contacted me in January 2023 wanting to start a bespoke online 1-2-1 course. I have taught groups on-line (during lockdown) and prior to that small groups of adults during my Creative Camera Club days - which was all face to face. So designing an online 1-2-1 online programme was something new for me. However, I gave it some thought and arrived at a collaborative plan that worked for both of us.
BEFORE THE SESSIONS BEGAN: John enjoyed taking photographs while travelling and these two image were taken in November 2022 in Granada (below)
We have achieved a lot in a relatively short space of time (Feb - May).
PROJECTS 1 & 2 - STILL LIFE - Since February 2023, have worked together on three online projects which aimed at encouraging John to explore his ideas using approaches that were completely new to him - he has an art history background and quite a conceptual mind, so that became the 'angle' I used to explore the camera functions with him. He contacted me because not only did he want support move on from the Auto functions but to come up with creative photographic solutions that excited him.
These three images represent two projects we worked on together from February to April studying still life photography . We started by using some ambient lighting John had, to explore camera functions. We developed the subject matter by communicating via zoom and collaborating on google-slides which ended up as a 61 page document!

PROJECTS 3-4 - NATURE - After working in this more formal manner, we started a project about nature and particularly how to isolate certain aspects of it to create meaning. John then visited me from his home in Sussex. Together we worked on the Suffolk coast and through 'modelling' ie., taking my own shots of a given scene, as explanation, then encouraging John to explore the landscape alongside me - he tried some different approaches.
Sheep wool & wire - this image is from our online course (nature).
Morning Light - this image is from our face to face session.
To view more of John's work please click on his new 500px page.
If you would like to find out more about this online program please Subscribe to my newsletter (published via email on 5th June) to be the first to find out a bit more detail.
If you are a photographer with more experience and you feel I could offer you assistance with your aesthetic or overcome a creative block, I would love to chat through some options with you too.